Getting fit on your list of new year’s resolutions? Start your fitness journey with the sinful vegan as a guidance! We all know that it can be hard to fulfill these resolutions but it might be worth trying something just a bit different to help you start and maintain a fit new year!

Orangetheory might just be the thing for you. If you haven’t heard about it, then listen up.

What is it?

Orangetheory is a science-backed, technology tracked, coach-inspired group workout. Each element of the workout has been researched by physiologists to ensure you have a full body workout and that your workout is maximised to produce results. Orangetheory focuses its workout so that you work through five heart rate zones. Ideally the workout should encompass participants to be in the Orange Zone (your heart rate is between 84-91% of your unique heart rate maximum) for a certain period of time. Their scientific research suggests that this is where your heart rate elevation can produce results for your body.

There are five zones and these are technologically tracked as you progress through the session via a monitor you wear (either around your arm or around your chest). You can monitor your progress during the session on screens located in the studio.

The session itself is run in a group setting (the south Yarra studio can cater between 24-36 participants) with a fully qualified coach who takes you through the session, providing support and guidance. The studio comprises of a set of water rowers, treadmills and a floor area equipped with weights and other equipment. The interval based sessions are set everyday and  focus on Power, Endurance, Strength or a combination, with a new workout being run everyday and these are the same sessions that run at each Orangetheory around the world. These are not workouts you would find at a local gym so it keeps your visit new and fresh.



Is it any good?

In one word, yes. I’ll admit, as a general rule I don’t love doing exercise.  I do it to maintain my weight and for my health, but I’m not one of those people that bounce out of bed in the morning ready to do exercise. And if I do something and dislike it, I generally won’t persevere, but having done seven Orangetheory classes now, I can honestly say I really enjoy them.

They’re hard work but I have found that at the end of each class I feel really good and I have actually enjoyed the session itself. A few reasons for me stand out as to why I’m now a huge advocate for this workout.

Different workout every day

Orangetheory pride themselves in doing a different workout every day. One day the focus might be on Strength and another day it might be Endurance. You never know what you’re going to get when you rock up to the session which makes it fun and you never have that same/same feeling which other workouts might have.

Variety in exercises in each session giving you a full body workout

I love that you spend time doing cardio work on the water rower and treadmills, and then strength and core work in the floor area. The sessions are divided up into blocks so you get a variety of different exercises. Whether it be running a mile and then doing a series of weight exercises or rowing for 200m and then doing some floor core work, the variety of exercises keeps you engaged

The coach is there to help you and explain what is involved

I love that the coach spends the time to take you through each block of exercise and really helps with correcting your technique to ensure you’re getting the most out of each exercise. As per his explanation, floor exercise can help you a lot in toning your body. The floor exercises are shown dynamically on a monitor, I am not very coordinated so it’s been super helpful to have someone who can just tweak your stance or adjust your motion to ensure you maximise the benefits of the exercise.

Go at your own pace
I love that I can go at my own pace during the various exercises. Sometimes in classes you feel like you have to keep up with your neighbour but in this class (and with the coach’s encouragement) you just do it at your own pace so you feel comfortable with what you’re doing.
Monitor your progress along the way
As mentioned, your heart rate is monitored throughout the class and you can see how your performing in the different zones. It’s been really interesting to see how your heart rate performance during different exercises and measure how long it takes before it gets back to a resting pace. You also get a summary of your session via email so you can track how you perform over your sessions.
If you’re worried about running…
I’m not a strong runner and have dodgy knees and shins but the special treadmills have springs so it’s lower impact and I seem to be able to run a great distance without feeling sore or hurt after. There are also a few static bikes and striders (first come first served) if you don’t want to do any running at all!
Orangetheory offer you a free class to try out the workout, give it go and this might be
the new thing you’re looking for this year!
For more information visit

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